If you are having any type of pain when you go for a wee, some form of discharge from the vagina, any burning or itchy sensation inside or surrounding your vagina, or are experiencing pain during intercourse, there stands pretty good chance that you may have a yeast infection.
Yeast infections are so common that three out of four women will have one at some time in their lives. One half of all women have more than one infection in their lives. If you think you have any symptoms of a yeast infection, your doctor will probably want to talk to you about your symptoms and look at how to cure a yeast infection and then examine you to see if you have a yeast infection. Never douche with vinegar. It's far is too acidic! and it might sting a tadd! Your vagina is already acidic naturally; Dont be alarmed, it's to a healthy level though! So please whatever you do ignore the old wives tales and dont be using vinegar as a douching agent because it lowers your vaginas pH level which creates a host of vaginal disorders, i.e., yeast infection, mucosal discharge, vaginitis, etc.Often referred to as Candida
The two types of Yeast infection
There are two types of yeast infections. The first type is an Acute yeast infection and the second is a chronic condition. During the course of this post I will be covering both of them.
Acute Yeast Infection
With Acute Yeast Infection the symptoms arise very quickly and are a lot easier to diagnose. Symptoms of swelling and redness in the genital area, discharge, itching, burning with urination are all commonly found with a white coated tongue. If you have ever had this type of yeast infection, you know how miserable it can be.
How to cure a Chronic yeast Infection
The second type of yeast infection is called a Chronic yeast infection. You may be treated many times for such a recurring yeast infection and think that have been cured, when in reality, you are not. This kind of yeast infection can go on for years, being undiagnosed. If gone untreated long enough it can lead to more serious diseases such as "IBS" or "Chronic fatigue Syndrome" and a myriad of many other ailments. This results due to the fact that the candida albicans can invade and damage our healthy cells. Chronic yeast Infection is definately much more difficult to diagnose and more importantly treat, as it is often overlooked by health professionals.
Candida yeast infection symptoms aren’t going to go away without treatment. In fact, it's the opposite the symptoms will most defiantely worsen the longer you leave the infection untreated. Ask someone! Someone whom you trust and aren’t embarrassed to discuss such feminine matters with. The chances are very good that any woman you talk with, or even any male physician, will know that you’re most likely experiencing candida yeast infection symptoms.
As mentioned in the last post I have perosnally suffered from Chronic yeast infection and have found that the signs and symptoms will vary depending on the location of the infection. This infection is very common to women. These signs and symptoms consist of a white discharge that is itchy and irritating to the vagina. It affects the surrounding outer tissues of the sphincter and a moist patch appears on the contiguous skin of the anus. Which believe you me is not paricularly pleasant. Ice Cubes and a cushion are a priority!
Candida yeast infections also cause pain during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation during urination.It has been found yeast infections affects three out of four women. In the US alone, something like 50% of college girls have been diagnosed with yeast infection at the early age of 25 and almost 5% of these go on to develop
Candidiasis can be easily treated, the earlier into it's manifestation it is picked up on then the less painful it becomes, but you should know and understand how it can be prevented early on in order for it not to lead to serious infections.
This was my major downfall, I had been to see the Doctor on several occassions and been given the same standard course of the usuall creams and drugs, which after finishing said course I was OK for while. Again and agin it came back and the same Doctor kept doing the same thing. Anyway to cut a long story short after six years of this I had had enough and I did some reaearch and came across some ground breaking information, which for me (touch wood) has kept me clear ever since. No more itching, soreness and more importantly pain free sex!
For people who have suffered the same repeating chronic infection and the same palm off from the Doctor, many people including myself have found help Here
However, this is only for people who are seriously looking to find out how to cure a chronic yeast infection for good.
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